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  • 资源简介:ZBrush女刺客角色数字雕刻视频教程
  • 详细描述


    04.Fitting ZSpheres to reference.mp4
    16.Sculpting eyebrows and eyelashes.mp4
    10.Finishing the back of the legs.mp4
    18.Separating the body into subgroups.mp4
    32.Adding battle scars and finishing the assassin.mp4
    17.Sculpting the forms of the hand.mp4
    21.Creating clothing items with Panel Loops.mp4
    31.Building a dagger.mp4
    02.Setting up image planes and ZSpheres.mp4
    13.Sculpting the nose.mp4
    19.Creating hair with FiberMesh.mp4
    12.Blocking out the face.mp4
    07.Refining the torso.mp4
    27.Building a belt.mp4
    08.Decoding the anatomy of the back.mp4
    23.Sculpting folds in clothing.mp4
    24.Creating a fishnet top with MicroMesh.mp4
    30.Creating a torn cape.mp4
    22.Using curve brush to create eyelets and lace.mp4
    28.Using Insert Mesh to create a buckle.mp4
    25.Creating armor plates.mp4
    14.Adding eyes to the face.mp4
    01.Introduction and project overview.mp4
    26.Adding rivets to our armor.mp4
    05.Roughing in the torso.mp4
    29.Creating a scarf.mp4
    15.Refining the eyes and adding an ear.mp4
    03.Adding ZSpheres hands to the body.mp4
    09.Laying in forms of the legs.mp4
    20.Sketching a rough design with DynaMesh.mp4
    06.Shaping the abdomen.mp4
    11.Sculpting the arm muscle and bones.mp4


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