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  • 资源简介:Unreal中Blueprints蓝图实用技能训练视频教程
  • 详细描述


    2.INTERMEDIATE-Implementing Combat Jets and Helicopters [In development..J
    7. Setting up the Jet Fighter continued... mp4
    44. Line-tracing weapons for accurate targeting(Part 1). mp4
    23. FixingEntering Vehicle'. mp4
    14. Switching to Vehicle Pawn. mp4
    41. Firing the Jet Cannon. mp4
    37. Applying Momentum to the Jet. mp4
    38.[ SUB-SECTION INTRO] Jet Weapons. mp4
    40. Creating the Parent Projectile and Child Projectiles. mp4
    13. Progress Bar for entering Vehicles. mp4
    15. Exiting the Vehicle. mp4
    31. Moving the Third Person Character Input Code. mp4
    28.[ SUB-SECTION INTRO] Flying the Jet. mp4
    2. Setting up our Working Environment. mp4
    33. Jet Rotation. mp4
    1.1Assets. zip. zip
    3. Organizing the Ocean Content. mp4
    24. Fixing Entering Vehicle' continued... mp4
    5.[ SUB-SECTION INTRO] Setting up Seahawk. mp4
    29. Jet Movement Methods. mp4
    11. Widget for Screen Notification. mp4
    25. Fixing the Exiting Vehicle' functionality. mp4
    8. Converting the Jet into a Physics Body. mp4
    36. Calculating the Rate of Acceleration for our Jet. mp4
    43. Setting the Projectile's Life-span. mp4
    6. Setting up the Jet Fighter(INAS Seahawk). mp4
    16. Fixing a bug in entering vehicle. mp4
    18. Cockpit View Implementation Methods. mp4
    20.[ SUB-SECTION INTRO] Object-Oriented Architecture. mp4
    12. Preparing to enter the Vehicle. mp4
    35. Jet take-off Trigger Box. mp4
    34. Jet Yaw Rotation. mp4
    1.[ SUB-SECTION INTRO] Project Setup. mp4
    27.Fixing the toggling Cockpit View functionality.mp4
    9.[SUB-SECTION INTRO]Enter and Exit Vehicle.mp4
    21.Creating the Vehicle Parent Classes.mp4
    39.Creating the Weapon Parent and Child Weapons.mp4
    32.Moment of Inertia.mp4
    17.[SUB-SECTION INTRO]Jet cockpit View.mp4
    22.Fixing the Screen Notifications.mp4
    30.Thrusting the Jet off the Aircraft Carrier.mp4
    42.Setting up the Jet Crosshairs.mp4
    10.Vehicle Entry Trigger.mp4
    4.Setting up the Aircraft Carrier.mp4
    1.BEGINNERS-Creating a simple Shoot-em-up Game
    14.Damage Functions using Blueprint Interfaces and Enemy Death.mp4
    19.Simple HUD.mp4
    18.Enemy Blood Particle Effect and Death Animations.mp4
    7.Preparing to Fire the Turret.mp4
    10.Projectile Collisions.mp4
    6.Rotating the Turret.mp4
    3.Creating the Materials for the Turet.mp4
    20.Creating the Main Menu.mp4
    12.Creating the NavMesh and moving the Enemy.mp4
    4.Creating the Turet Blueprint.mp4
    8.Creating the Turet Projectile.mp4
    17.Player Blood Splash Effect.mp4
    9.Firing the Turret and adding the Firing Sound.mp4
    24.Adding Sounds.mp4
    15.Creating Enemy Waves.mp4
    2.Creating the Project and Importing Assets.mp4
    25.Packaging the Game.mp4
    1.Section 1Intro.mp4
    16.Player Health.mp4
    22.Creating the Game Over Screen.mp4
    21.Creating the Pause Menu.mp4
    13.Understanding Blueprint Interfaces.mp4
    5.Adding Sockets to the Turret.mp4
    23.Setting up the Level.mp4
    11.Setting up the Enemy Character.mp4


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